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Git navigator

  • Git Navigator allows you to perform the following functions and view information.

Git Navigator 10

Branch ButtonBranch ButtonShows the name of the current branch.
Displays the Switch To Branch Selection Finder popup to create a branch or switch to an existing branch of your choice.
Menu ButtonMenu ButtonShows the context menu.
Sync buttonSync buttonDisplays the number of commits that have not been pulled and the number of commits that have not been pushed.
Perform a sync (pull and push).
Publish branch buttonPublish branch buttonExecute the publish branch.
* Displayed when Branch is created.
Commit message text boxCommit message text boxEnter your commit message.
Commit buttonCommit buttonCommit changes.
Synchronize Changes ButtonSynchronize Changes ButtonPerforms sync (pull and push).
* Displayed when state of conflict.
Abort merge buttonAbort merge buttonAbort merge.
* Displayed when there is a conflict (#state-of-conflict) or when a conflict is resolved (#conflict-resolved).

The display contents of the Git navigator change as follows according to the status.

state of change

Git Navigator 1

Created branch {#created-branch}

Git Navigator 9

State of Conflict

Git Navigator 12

Conflict resolved

Git Navigator 12