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Switch and save traceability confirmation target


On Next Design's trace page, you can save multiple models and trace line information to be displayed on the trace page according to the viewpoint of traceability confirmation, and switch the display immediately at any time.

The arrangement and presence/absence of models and trace lines displayed on the trace page are called Trace View Settings.

The following describes how to edit and use trace setting information in the following order.

  • Switch model order
  • Save model order
  • Specify the model to check
  • Specify the trace line to check
  • Export trace configuration information
  • Import trace setting information

Switch model order

To add trace setting information with a different name so that you can switch between them, do the following:

Switch model order

Operation procedure
  1. Click the Edit Trace View Settings icon from the toolbar to display the Trace View Setting dialog.
  2. In the dialog, select where to add the trace setting information, press the [Add] button, and enter a name in the [Trace Setting] dialog.
  3. Next, press the [Add] button to select the model to be displayed in the lane and add it to the [Trace Series] list.
  4. Press the [OK] button in the [Trace Setting] dialog to add the trace setting information with the entered name to the [Trace View Settings] list.
  5. When you press the [OK] button in the [Trace View Setting] dialog, the trace setting information with the entered name is saved and can be switched with the [Trace Set] pull-down list on the toolbar.
  • If you change the configuration of the model displayed in the lane on the trace page, the trace setting information to be displayed will be automatically updated.
  • The destination to add the trace setting information can be selected from the project or the user. User-oriented trace configuration information is stored in the {project file name}.nuser file in the same folder as the project file. See below for handling .nuser files.
    • [Reference > Partial Loading of Model Files > Remembering User Settings and Notes for Projects](../../../docs/reference/partials-load#Remembering User Settings and Notes for Projects)
  • If you do not add at least one model to the [Trace Series] list in the [Trace Setting] dialog, you cannot change settings such as adding lanes on the trace page.

Save the order of models

Follow the steps below to name and save the trace setting information that holds the order of models.

Save model alignment

Operation procedure
  1. Click the Edit Trace View Settings icon from the toolbar at the top of the Trace page to display the Trace View Setting dialog.
  2. Press the [Edit] button in the [Trace View Setting] dialog to display the [Trace Setting] dialog.
  3. Enter a name in the [Trace Setting] dialog and press the [OK] button to update the [Trace View Settings] list.
  4. Press the [OK] button in the [Trace View Setting] dialog to save the model arrangement and select it from the [Trace Set] pull-down list on the toolbar.

Specify the model to check

To specify only the models you want to check and display them on the lane, follow the steps below.

Specify the model to check

Operation procedure
  1. Run the Filter Tree… command from the menu button in the top right of each lane.
  2. A dialog will appear and the models displayed in the lane will be displayed in a tree view. Check the checkbox of the model you want to display.
  3. When you press the [OK] button, only the checked models will be displayed on the lane.

Specify the trace line to check

Follow the steps below to specify only the trace lines you want to check and display them between lanes.

Specify the trace lines to check

Operation procedure
  1. Hover the mouse over each lane, and the [Filter displayed relationships] button will appear at the top between lanes. Press that button.
  2. A dialog will appear showing the relationships between the models displayed in each lane. Check the checkboxes for the relationships you want to display as trace lines.
  3. After pressing the [OK] button, only the checked related trace lines will be displayed between the lanes.

Export trace configuration information

To export trace settings information:

Export trace configuration information

Operation procedure
  1. Click the Edit Trace View Settings icon from the toolbar at the top of the Trace page to display the Trace View Setting dialog.
  2. Select the trace setting information to be exported and press the [Export] button to display the [Export Trace Setting] dialog.
  3. Specify the save destination and name of the file and press the [Save] button to export the trace setting information as a .tracesettings file.

Import trace configuration information

To import trace configuration information:

Import trace setting information

Operation procedure
  1. Click the Edit Trace View Settings icon from the toolbar at the top of the Trace page to display the Trace View Setting dialog.
  2. Select the destination to import the trace setting information and press the [Import] button to display the [Import Trace Setting] dialog.
  3. Specify the trace setting information ( .tracesettings file) to be imported and press the [Open] button to import the trace setting information.